Yes, yes, we know; police officers should always uphold the law no matter what, but they're also human beings and we can't help ourselves from finding the following cop's response to a civilian calling him to a harmless street drag race, how can we say it; very human…
Even though no harm was done, the law is the law, and after the motorcycle civilian who asked the unidentified cop to race him at the lights, Lawrence Lee Spillers, shared the footage from his helmet camera on YouTube, the Montgomery (Alabama) Police Department learned about it and launched an investigation.
The department’s police chief, Kevin Murphy, told KLTV news that the officer seen in the video shot this past Sunday has since decided to resign his position from the force.
“When a member of the Montgomery Police Department fails to adhere to our core values of honor, duty and loyalty, it is my duty to ensure they will not represent the MPD, or serve the citizens of Montgomery any further,” said Murphy. “The officer in question no longer wears the badge of the Montgomery Police Department.”
The motorcycle cop, who does not want to be named, issued the following statement:
"I don't have any hard feelings against the department. All my life and throughout my career I have tried to be humble and reserved, but I'm not perfect. If I could start over I would have never done what I did. I appreciate everyone's support. I can't believe how everything has turned around for me. I guess it's the will of God."
As for the other protagonist, Lawrence Lee Spillers Spillers, he stated:
"We posted [the video] thinking, you know, it was something fun, something you don't run across every day and that's why we did it. Our intentions were to never get the cop in trouble, and we definitely didn't think he would lose his job."
Updated: As pointed out by reader Tinky-Winky in the comments, WSFA reported that the "the Montgomery Police Department is confirming that the motorcycle officer who was captured on video drag racing with a private citizen will get his job back"
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