And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how an unknown to the masses shop can become an instantly recognizable name. When Portland, Oregon motorcycle dealership MotoCorsa released images from a promotional shoot of seductive ladies posing next to their Ducati 1199 last year, no one really paid attention, and that's understandable considering how many times we've seen this before.
However, when the Motorcorsa staff recreated the same shoot this year replacing the slim female models with hairy men in heels duplicating the same poses, it became an instant viral hit.
Both promos were the idea of Arun Sharma, general manager of MotoCorsa, who actually used employees from inside the shop – even though some refused to take part, Sharma told CNN said that most were enthusiastic about the spoof photo shoot.
"I thought it was a fantastic, hilarious idea," said Motorcorsa senior technician A.J. Ralston. "It seems like we always get a lot of flak from customers whenever we put something up on our Facebook page that has a beautiful woman on a motorcycle, so making light of all of that and having a good time doing it seemed like a good idea."
Story References: MotorCorsa , Photographer: Alicia Mariah Elfving
Thanks to Maria for the tip!

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